Where to install air conditioning in an apartment, house, room: 7 important tips

It seems that a modern person is no longer able to survive the sultry summer without air conditioning, only among us there are still a lot of opponents of this miracle of technology. They do not like air conditioning because it provokes the occurrence of colds, but if you find the right place for it, then you can get rid of almost all of the shortcomings. Where to install air conditioning in an apartment, house, room so that the pleasant coolness does not become a source of heat, cough and runny nose, but brings only comfort and pleasure?

No. 1. Types of air conditioners

Air conditioners are different, so the rules for their placement are different. Without going into details and features of the choice, we only note main types of cooling devices that can be used in the home:

  • mobile air conditioning - this is a small, but rather heavy (30-50 kg) device, placed on the floor, can easily move around the room and apartment, it can even be moved to another house. A mandatory structural element is a hose through which hot air is discharged into the street. As a rule, there are no questions regarding the installation of such an air conditioner. The main thing is that the cold air does not blow on people, but, in which case, its direction can be easily corrected. The main minus is a lot of noise;
  • monoblock window can only be installed in window opening, as evidenced by its name. Such devices are not particularly effective, they take away light, spoil the appearance of the window, so they are rarely mounted recently;
  • split system - The most popular type of air conditioner today. Consists of two blocks, internal and external. The placement of the indoor unit usually raises the most questions, so we will pay maximum attention to this topic.

No. 2. Basic rules for installing an air conditioner in an apartment

Everyone who is going to equip their home with air conditioning, first of all, cares about choosing the right device for the technical characteristics. Decide on the place of installation of the air conditioner in the apartmentOf course, you will have to do it yourself, but it’s not so difficult - it’s important to take into account only some tips and features of the equipment.

To ensure that the air conditioner is completely safe for health, be guided by such the rules:

  • cold air should not fall on the bed, sofa, desktop and other places where households are located for a long time. The maximum concentration of cold air is observed at a distance of 2-3 meters from the air conditioner, then the coolness dissipates;
  • optimal distance between the ceiling and the upper boundary of the indoor unit of the split system - 10-15 cm. The intake of warm air from the apartment is carried out through the upper part, so it is so important that there is enough space for unhindered circulation of air masses;
  • between air conditioning and furniture distance must be maintained. If installation will be carried out over wardrobe, then between it and the ceiling should remain 70-100 cm of space. Within a radius of 1-1.5 m in front of the air conditioner, there should be no pieces of furniture.If these rules are not followed, then the cooled air will collide with barriers, and instead of spreading around the room, it will bounce off the furniture and return again to the intake opening. The device evaluates the efficiency of its work by the temperature of the air that is suitable for it, and if it has already cooled air, then the temperature sensors will give a command to stop working, and the user will not get the proper coolness. If this happens constantly, then the air conditioner will quickly fail;
  • air conditioning must not be closed curtains and partitions for the reason described above;
  • air conditioning and heating appliances You can’t place it near by - high temperatures can adversely affect the operation of HVAC equipment. Near heating radiatorsboilers electric heaters, boilers, refrigerators can not be mounted air conditioning. Installation near cooker highly recommended: not only is it a source of hot air, it’s also an air conditioner (until it breaks) that will extinguish the flame of a gas stove coming from it;
  • it is advisable not to mount the air conditioner opposite the front door;
  • in rooms where lathes will constantly work and drill, it is better not to install the air conditioner at all, since the equipment in such conditions will still quickly fail;
  • it is best to install air conditioning during repair in the apartment - so carefully enter it and hide the communication will be much easier;
  • the less will be distance between indoor and outdoor units air conditioning the better. Firstly, installation is cheaper, and secondly, fewer problems with camouflage of the Freon route, and thirdly, higher system efficiency. The optimal distance between the blocks is 5-10 m, it is possible less, but not more, so often they put the air conditioner on the wall where the window is located, or on the adjacent one;
  • if the windows face the sunny side, then it is necessary to position the air conditioner so that the cool air flows perpendicular to the hot air flows from the window;
  • The indoor unit must be so inscribed in the interior that it is almost not conspicuous.

The smaller the room, the more difficult it is to find a suitable place to install the air conditioner, but in this case they can save mobile devices.

No. 3. Where to install air conditioning in the bedroom?

Optimal place for air conditioning in the bedroom - a wall at the head of the bed, but the device is not hung directly above the bed, but on the side of the bed. In this case, cold air will concentrate closer to the feet of vacationers, and not near the head.

Valid option - arrange the air conditioner so that the cool air runs perpendicular to the bedroom place and passes in the area of ​​the foot.

You can also hang the air conditioner above the door. In this case, the unit will not be striking when entering the room, and if you leave the door open, then the coolness will spread beyond the bedroom. The only negative of this option is the long freon track.

To the most bad placement options the air conditioner in the bedroom, we attribute its installation opposite the bed, when cold air falls directly on the heads of vacationers, and opposite the front door, when the unit immediately catches your eye when entering the room.

The place near the window is also suitable for air conditioning, but here you must be extremely careful in terms of curtain selection. Massive structures will reduce the efficiency of the device if they disrupt normal air circulation.

If you could not find the perfect place, you can pay attention to multidirectional air conditioning. In which case, the lower sash can be covered by directing cool air in some direction. In any case, it is better not to leave the air conditioner turned on at night.

Number 4. Air conditioning in the living room and kitchen

Choosing a place for the air conditioner in living room, should be guided by the rules described above, but this, alas, is not always enough. In the room where households and guests gather, it is nowhere important that the block is as invisible as possible and literally dissolves in the interior. Direct air towards sofasarmchairs and dinner table strictly not recommended.

In the kitchen, and this is usually a very small space, it’s difficult to fit an air conditioner, especially considering the many dangers in the form of a stove, refrigerator, radiators and speakers. If you can’t do without an air conditioner at all, then pay attention to the most compact and angular models.

No. 5. Air conditioning in the children's room

In the children's room, it is better not to put air conditioning at all, as children are especially sensitive to the flow of cool air and can get sick quickly. If the heat got out, and there’s nothing to breathe in the nursery, then the solution will be mobile air conditioning. It can be turned on for a short time and direct the air flow to the safest place. In principle, if you turn on the air conditioner only when there are no children in the room and maintain the optimum temperature in the room with it, you can also install a split system, guided by the above rules.

No. 6. How to fit air conditioning into the interior?

It turned out that choosing the most suitable place for an air conditioner was only half the battle. It is also important that the block does not stand out very much, but better - organically fit into interior. It is impossible to hide the device behind a decorative panel or screen for the reasons described above, but there are several ways to integrate the air conditioner into the room space as organically as possible:

  • hide the block among other objects of a similar shape. A great option is to dissolve it among the wall shelves. Moreover, under the block, you can even select your own decorative shelf, which will be located below the device itself, but at the same time repeat its shape;
  • arrange air conditioning over the windowif the height of the ceilings allows it. A window is an element that attracts maximum attention, so you may not even notice an air conditioner against its background. If there are two windows in the room, then the block can be placed in the wall between them, additionally distracting the eye with spectacular curtains;
  • select air conditioning unit in wall colorThen the device will stand out minimally. True, if paint of an unusual shade was used, it will be difficult to find a suitable device, and paint for plastic, which can be tinted clearly in tone, is not easy to find;
  • embed a block or part of it in niche or false;
  • buy air conditioning in the form of a picture. There are also such. You won’t guess right away.

Number 7. Location of outdoor unit

The second mandatory part of the split system is the outdoor unit, and some rules are also put forward to its location:

  • It should be easily accessible;
  • on top of the block does not interfere with the installation of a visor for protection against precipitation and direct sunlight;
  • within a radius of 0.5-1 m from the external block there should be no trees, otherwise when the wind branches and leaves can fall on the blades of the device;
  • place external unit on glazed balcony - a bad idea, it can overheat and fail;
  • The outdoor unit must not be installed near the gas pipeline. During operation, it can become very hot, and heat and gas are a disaster.

However, the company specializing in the installation of air conditioners is responsible for the correct installation of the external unit.

Climatic equipment is bought and installed not for one, or even for three years, so it’s still worthwhile to devote a little time to choosing the most suitable place for the air conditioner, otherwise you may encounter constant colds and the need to outweigh the indoor unit, and this again shreds the walls, mess and minor repairs.

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