Cork wallpapers: selection and sticking
|Cork wallpaper is one of the most environmentally friendly and beautiful materials forwall decoration. They appeared on sale not so long ago, but during this short period they have already become very popular, and all thanks to their uniqueness. They create a special cosiness in the room, delighting the household with their appearance and performance. What are Main advantages this type of finish how to choose cork wallpaper, and what you need to know to stick them right?
Cork wallpapers with one name give out features of their origin. So, they are based on cork tree bark, which grows in Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Portugal and many African countries. The bark is crushed and pressed, and then applied to paper or used as an independent material.
Do not confuse cork wallpaper with other types of cork-based wall decoration materials. So, cork panels in thickness reach 3 mm and consist of pressed cork and veneer. Cork rolls are a cross between plates and wallpaper, and the thickness is 2 mm.
Benefits of Cork Wallpaper
Cork wallpaper is a unique and versatile material, which is confirmed by their numerous advantages:
naturalness and environmental friendliness, because the composition of wallpaper either cork or paper-based cork is included. Such finishing material can be safely used in children's rooms and on kitchens, because he will not emit any substances harmful to human health;
- such wallpaper do not accumulate static electricity and repel dust, which once again confirms the possibility of their use even in children's rooms;
- soundproofing. Cork wallpaper due to its structure is able to delay a significant part sounds, and that is why they are great for those who are unlucky with noisy neighbors, and for those who live near busy roads;
- thermal insulation: the tree itself is a warm coating, and yet it is capable of retain heat and not release it into the environment, maintaining an optimal microclimate;
cork wallpaper do not absorb odors, they are refractorytherefore can be used even in kitchens. Moreover, they even resist the spread of fire;
- opportunity use cork wallpaper even in rooms with high humidityif there is a coating with wax or if you independently varnish the wallpaper;
- durability. Cork wallpapers will delight you with their original appearance for a very long time, not succumbing to the influence of moisture and high temperatures. In addition, the coating is resistant to mechanical damage, perfectly repels dust and dirt;
- cork has bactericidal properties, so the fungus and mold will not appear, although it is a natural organic material;
- ease of care;
- pleasant and noble appearance.
The disadvantages of cork wallpaper
Like any other finishing material, cork wallpapers are not without flaws, but there are not so many:
though sticking process almost no different from mounting other types of wallpaper, nevertheless, it will be a little more difficult to cope with this task, due to their large weight;
- must be carefully prepare the surfaceso that it is perfectly even;
- small assortment drawings and flowers. This is a natural coating, and its gamut of colors is very limited.In principle, this cannot be called a significant drawback, but a small selection of colors and patterns may not satisfy some design ideas;
- high pricebut it more than pays for the durability of the coating;
- cork wallpaper, although it can withstand some mechanical stress, but still under strong pressure or in contact with a sharp object may be damaged, so you need to be careful;
- wallpapers to be used in bath and in the kitchen, you need extra treat with a water repellent layer.
How to choose cork wallpaper?
In order for cork wallpapers to show maximum of their advantages and be durable, it is important to pay attention not only to their gluing, but also choice. So, today the market appears two main types of cork wallpaper:
baseless cork wallpaper. They are made from crushed bark: it is pressed, as a result of which sticky substances are released, and when exposed to high temperatures, all the components stick together. This coating is more natural, but also more fragile. It is very difficult to find it today, because it is not in great demand;
- paper-based cork wallpapers: in this case, the crushed cork with a thin layer of 1 mm is applied to the paper. Such wallpapers are more durable, and it is much easier to work with them, and if you glue wallpapers with your own hands, it is better to dwell on this particular type of coating.
In addition, today on sale you can find cork wallpapers. non-woven, a non-woven, as you know, largely repeats the properties of paper, only differs in increased strength. That is why this type of finish will be the most durable and easy to install. There are also self-adhesive wallpaperwhich are suitable for mounting on any surface, but they are not often found in hardware stores.
As for color picker and pattern, then in this case there is no huge assortment, so you have to choose between different natural shades: from dark yellow to brown. In any case, cork wallpaper will make the room feel warm and cozy.
It is important to pay attention to wallpaper packagingwhich should be holistic. It is good if the manufacturer attaches to their products and installation instructions, which indicates all the nuances of working with a specific coating. It is also necessary to find out if there are certificates for products that confirm its quality and safety.
Cork wallpaper is one of the few types of coatings, when choosing which you need to pay special attention to glue type. For example, PVA glue will be too weak, and liquid nails will be too powerful, and as a result, it will be very difficult to dismantle the coating in the future. It is better to choose a special glue for cork wallpaper, or Kelid or Moment glue.
Cork wallpapers are so versatile that Suitable for finishing almost any room:
in a nursery, they can be used due to their naturalness and environmental friendliness, but at the same time, small children who like to explore the world around them can damage the coating and spoil its appearance;
- in living room and the bedroom cork wallpapers will create the proper cosiness and a relaxing atmosphere;
- for hallway they are also great, because they are not afraid of moisture, and small scratches that are inevitable in this room will not be noticeable;
- in the bathroom, this coating shows itself perfectly, despite the fact that it is based on natural wood. Cork wallpapers are not affected by moisture, they will not become a place of development of mold or fungus;
- in the kitchen, cork wallpapers are also excellent due to the fact that they do not accumulate odors and dust, easy to cleanDo not be afraid of moisture and fire. True, for the kitchen and bathroom you must definitely choose Waxed wallpaper or varnish yourself.
How to stick cork wallpaper?
Although sticking cork wallpapers is not the easiest process, you can cope on your own with a certain margin of patience. First you need to bring all the rolls of cork wallpaper into the room where they will be mounted for 2-3 days to prevent further deformation and shrinkage of the coating.
Also necessary thoroughly prepare the surface - it should be perfect. Otherwise, the coating will begin to deform, peel off, and the joints will diverge. That is why it is so important to clean the walls of old paint and wallpaper, then plaster or putty on the surface. After that, the surface processes primerto increase the adhesion between the wall and the wallpaper.
Now go to wallpaper cutting: To do this, it is necessary to measure the height of the walls in the room, but do not forget that it can be different at different points, so it is better to take measurements every 30-50 cm. Add 5-15 cm to allowances for the result and start cutting the material . When all strips of wallpaper are cut, they are left on a flat surface and given a little time to lie down and level out.
You can glue wallpaper on the walls both vertically and horizontally, depending on the preferences of each and design ideas. Before sticking it is better to do wall markingto ensure easier installation and, ultimately, a high-quality result. The width of the roll of wallpaper is laid off from the floor or corner, a line is drawn along the level, then the distance again recedes, another line is drawn. In doing so, the allowances mentioned above must be taken into account.
Glue can be applied both on the walls and on the wallpaper itself, or both there and there at once, unless otherwise specified in the instructions. If you purchased self-adhesive wallpaper, then you don’t need to cook and apply glue at all, and the installation procedure for the coating is simplified as much as possible. Since cork wallpaper is very heavy, the glue must be of high quality and provide reliable fastening to the wall.
It is better to glue cork wallpaper together, so as not to tear and not deform the coating. Each strip is gently but strongly pressed against the wall, ironing with a roller to remove all air bubbles and excess glue. Such wallpaper can not be wringed, because cracks will form.
Sticking is done butt, and the joints of the wallpaper canvases are then rolled with a roller. It is better to cut off excess wallpaper from above and below with scissors and not with a knife, and it is not necessary to wait until the coating dries. Excess glue is removed after it hardens, and at the same time use a knife. If air bubbles form during gluing that cannot be removed by rolling with a roller, then try to pierce them with a needle or awl, and then pour glue there with a syringe.
Dry cork wallpaper 2-3 days, and during this time it is necessary to eliminate all drafts, so it is better to close windows and doors.
The service life of the coating is at least 10 years, and with proper care - and all 20. So, best after installation varnish the wallpaper, and choose a "breathing" composition. Periodically, you will need to wipe the surface with a damp sponge, but the use of detergents and cleaners is strictly prohibited. You can also sometimes vacuum the surface to get rid of dust. If spots appear, then you can use sandpaper.
In conclusion
Although cork wallpapers cost a lot, and the installation process requires special attention, it is still an excellent coating that captivates with its naturalness, safety, environmental friendliness, durability and resistance to moisture and fire. In order for all these advantages of wallpaper to be fully manifested, it is only necessary to choose and stick them correctly.