6 ideas for designing a small toilet + photo

Not everyone can boast of a spacious toilet in the apartment, so knowing several ways to expand such a modest space will not hurt. Designers have already accumulated sufficient experience in transforming even the smallest toilet rooms into functional and quite spacious spaces, and it is these methods that everyone can use when arranging their own toilet.

It is important not to forget that this room should not only be attractive in appearance, but also functionally. It is good that the modern market of finishing materials offers a huge selection of different finishing methods that are adapted to the effects of high humidity, can be easily cleaned, do not deteriorate under the influence of aggressive detergents, etc. Can be used tile, washable wallpapermoisture resistant drywall, laminated panels, glass, plastic, etc.

So, in what ways can you visually expand the space of a small toilet, make it more functional and aesthetic?

No. 1. Light colors

Use light colors in a small room for its visual increase - an idea that is as old as the world. Great option for a small toilet - White color, which can be used for decoration and ceilings, and walls, and the ceiling. In combination with white plumbing and with good lighting, the boundaries of the room will be so blurred that it will be simply impossible to consider the lack of space.

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If you don’t like such whiteness, then you can always use any light shadeAnd monochrome is welcome: any color can be combined with white. The toilet can be designed, for example, in gray and white, but it’s important so that the ceiling is as light as possible, because a dark color can significantly reduce even the most spacious room.

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Many designers are also advised to use vertical or horizontal stripesto visually expand the space and slightly change its geometry, but still in a very miniature toilet it is better to use a monophonic light finish.

small toilet color

No. 2. Decoration Materials

Most often in toilets use ceramic tile, because it is easy to clean, not amenable to moisture, has a nice appearance. It is not necessary to tile everything from floor to ceiling: it is quite enough to cover the toilet with it half or 2/3 in height, combining it with other finishing material.

small toilet tiles

A great alternative to ceramic tiles - washable paint. This option is also suitable if the walls in the toilet are not quite even: under the paint, this defect will not be so striking, but under the tile will definitely need to align. This whole procedure will steal priceless centimeters of space. But if your choice nevertheless fell on the paint, then choose light spring, light and pastel shades, but it is better to refuse white in this case - in narrow rooms the walls quickly get dirty and they will need to be washed more often: if it isn’t scary for tiles , even washable paint is better not to wash so often.

In some European countries it’s not uncommon to use the toilet moisture resistant wallpaper. You can use this idea and pick up light wallpapers with a medium-sized pattern.

small toilet wallpaper

Even a small toilet can be made boring and interesting using special stickers. They can be glued to wallpaper or painted walls, and the whole process takes a minimum of time and effort. In this way, you can create interesting pictures in your toilet, breathe a certain mood, etc.

Do not forget about fake diamond, which can be competently combined with other finishing materials, obtaining not only a more spacious space, but also a more stylish room.

small toilet finish

No. 3. Compact plumbing

In a small space reserved for the toilet, it would be illogical to stir large objects of plumbing. Stop at miniature models, not forgetting, of course, about their own comfort. Naturally, in a small toilet it is very problematic to place something other than a toilet. Therefore, the “maximum” option is to use the toilet bowl complete with a sink there, but most likely you will have to forget about the bidet, urinal, and other plumbing fixtures. But for a small toilet there is another option - combinitase, which, in addition to the function of the toilet itself, also acts as a bidet and washbasin. It is very convenient, practical, and most importantly, that a minimum of space is wasted.

small toilet comunitasis

It is worth taking a closer look at the design of the toilet itself: it is optimal that it is with an oblique outlet, but the connecting corrugation is contraindicated in our case, since it is able to push the toilet forward, from which the room will not become more comfortable. Owners of small toilets can be advised to use small drain tanks, and it’s great if they will embedded in the wall, then visually the room will be perceived a little more.

small toilet

To create the illusion of free space, you can use hinged plumbing. If someone doubts the reliability of the wall mounted toilet, then it can withstand about 400 kg, so it can be safely installed in any apartment. By the way, if you put all the plumbing in the toilet along one wallthen you can save a lot of space.

small toilet

Number 4. Minimum furniture

As for all kinds of furniture and accessories, they should be at a minimum. Of course, you can not do without a cabinet for all cleaning products and a shelf for hygiene items, but everything else can be superfluous. A cabinet with everything you need is best placed directly above the barrel or under the ceiling itself: both of these locations are advantageous from the point of view that they are not very striking, thereby not cluttering up the space.

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small toilet storage

Do not forget about the mirror: in addition to its direct function, it also performs the function of expanding space. A properly placed mirror surface can work wonders and turn a very tiny toilet room into a normal sized room.

By the way, the door to the small toilet should open outward. If this is not the case in your case, then make sure that it does not touch the objects installed there when opened. Otherwise, you have to redo the door a bit.

small toilet

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No. 5. Lighting

Well, if the toilet boasts natural light, but not everyone was so lucky. Therefore, you need to take care of proper artificial lightingso that the small toilet doesn’t look even smaller. You will need bright lighting, but the main thing is not to overdo it so that the room does not turn into a kind of operating room.

If you used white or pastel colors in the decoration, they will reflect light, making the room brighter, therefore, powerful light sources are not required. Perfect spot lightingwhich is built into the ceiling or walls. If all this is equipped with a dimmer, then it will be possible to adjust the lighting power.

No. 6. Decor selection

A room decorated with taste is always perceived much better - this is not a secret for anyone. If you take two identical toilets, and arrange one, without adhering to any direction, and in the second create a certain design and choose accessories in the same style, then the difference will be obvious.The second option will seem much more spacious. Therefore, a frame for mirrors, taps, a holder for toilet paper, bottles for liquid soap and perfumes, shades and other details are selected in the same style with each other and in combination with the finish of the toilet. As a result, all these purely functional elements will also become the subject of decor.

small toilet decor

Despite the beliefs of many that there is no place for jewelry in a small toilet, they can still comfortably accommodate here. The main thing is to measure the scale and know the measure, so in the toilet there may be a place for a small flower, a picture, photographs with landscapes, etc.

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And of course keep order in this room, because a small toilet, like any other miniature space, if you litter it, will seem like a tiny room, a closet, and all your efforts will come to naught.

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The toilet in most apartments is the smallest room, but at the same time one of the most popular. For some reason, when repair he is given the least attention, but the toilet should also be functional and stylish. A few simple tips will help you. arrange the interior such a small space so that visually it will become much larger and brighter.

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