How to choose curtains for wallpaper: color, pattern, texture
|If you want fast and inexpensive update the room interiorthen simple enough change wallpaper and curtains. Sometimes even a change of curtains dramatically changes the appearance of the room, but the main thing in this matter is to choose the right color, pattern, model of curtains under the wallpaperto get a harmonious interior. When choosing curtains, you need to consider a lot of factors, starting from the color scheme of the room and ending with the interior style.
When choosing new curtains, many designers recommend build on the color of the wallpaper - This is the easiest and at the same time the best way to choose the right option so that the room looks stylish, comfortable and beautiful. But not everything is so simple, and sometimes it’s not enough just to choose curtains in the color of the wallpaper - there are some nuances and secrets that are important to know before going to the store.
The choice of color curtains for the color of wallpaper
If the wallpaper is already purchased and taped or if they have been decorating the walls for several years now, and it is necessary to choose the right color for the curtains for them, then it is recommended to follow several rules. So, take a fragment of wallpaper and go with him to the store, and then follow one of the instructions below:
the easiest option is to choose curtains in the same color as the wallpaperbut a few tones lighter or darker. If the room is dark and it is necessary to lighten it a little, then a few tones are lighter, if on the contrary it is necessary to achieve the effect of muffling and comfort, then a few tones are darker;
- when in the room used two types of wallpaper, then the curtains can be selected to one of them: by color, pattern, etc. But in this case, the main thing is not to overdo it and not make the room overloaded with details, patterns and different colors;
- a win-win option for any color of wallpaper - white, milky, sand color of curtains. If it is difficult for you to choose a suitable color or pattern, then just pay attention to plain light curtains that fit well into almost any interior and do not go out of fashion for many years;
do not forget about contraststhat often look very interesting. Help to decide on the choice of contrasting colors color circle or nature itself. So, all around us are perfectly combined yellow sand and blue color seas, light green foliage and pink roses, chrysanthemums, etc. If the wallpaper in the room is very bright and smooth, then they can be diluted bright curtainsthat will become the highlight any interior. By the way, bright juicy shades of curtains can not only diversify the interior, but also help to correct some of its shortcomings, and specifically, visually bring the wall with the window closer to the center of the room. If you need the opposite effect, then it is better to choose calm cold shades;
- important to comply golden rule when choosing curtains for wallpaper: if the wallpaper is in warm colors, then the curtains must be made in warm colors, and this can be contrasting colors;
- if you choose multilayer curtain designwhich combines different fabrics and patterns, then one of the elements must be combined with the wallpaper in the room, and all other structural elements should be selected already for it.
Whatever the wallpaper in the room, it’s important to consider room dimensionsas well as the level of natural light.
If the room is big and spacious, the curtains in saturated colors will be just the way - they will make it more cozy and comfortable for living.
In a small room it is undesirable to use dark curtains and large patterns, but if you do not want to buy plain light curtains, you can pay attention to options with a cheerful motley pattern.
Room that goes windows to the north, It can not be complemented by dark cold curtains, which will make the space even more gloomy and dull. But the blue ones green, gray shades perfectly fit into the interior of bright southern rooms, where in the summer you want to bring a drop of coolness.
By the way the color of the curtains can adjust the shape of the room. Designers have been using a trick for a long time: cold shades of curtains are able to visually push the boundaries of the room and make the window a little further, which means the room will seem a little larger - a good option for small rooms. With warm shades, the situation is the opposite.
There are times when the curtains are already bought and you need to choose the wallpaper for them. Maybe you were in the store, and you really liked the specific model of the curtains that you wanted to buy them immediately. Or you just wanted to leave the old curtains in their place and just glue the wallpaper. In any case, now you have to act on the contrary, and pick up the wallpaper for the curtains. You can be guided by the following rules:
we choose the wallpaper in the color of the curtains - just like in the case with the curtains: a few tones are lighter or darker;
- you can use the "theory" of complementary pairs of colors. So, designers say that purple and yellow, green and red, blue and orange, and so on, combine well. Such a bold bright combination will look good in living rooms, nurseries, cabinets, but for the bedroom and kitchen it is better to prefer more calm combinations;
- if the curtains are made of glare, then suitable wallpaper is difficult to choose. It is best to take a fabric sample with you to the store or opt for the most light neutral shades of the curtains;
- if the curtains have a large pattern, then the color of the wallpaper is selected to one of the colors used on the curtains.
These are just the basic rules, but sometimes, contrary to all the instructions given, the curtains fit perfectly into the existing interior. But for this you need to have an ideal sense of style and taste, or call the designer for help.
And finally some practical tips by choosing the color of the curtains to match the color of the wallpaper to get a stylish fresh and unusual interior:
blue, blue, white, light brown curtains, as well as almost all shades of green: olive, turquoise, swamp, the color of young grass, etc. are well suited to green wallpaper;
- yellow, white, green, brown, violet and lilac curtains can be selected;
- You can make a room fashionable and youthful by vivid combinations, for example, combine mint wallpaper and pink curtains, purple wallpaper and lemon or orange curtains.
If you followed the rules when choosing the color of the curtains, but the result still doesn’t suit you a bit, then you can use a little trick and dilute the resulting combination with some kind of accessory. For example, white walls and blue curtains are a beautiful stylish option, but too cold, which can be made a little warmer with the help of hooks, rugs, etc.
Pattern selection
Of course, light plain curtains are always appropriate, it is a kind of classic that never goes out of style. This option fits into any interior, especially classic, but still sometimes you want to diversify your room with fun unusual curtains with bright colors and an interesting pattern. In this case, the main thing is to carefully choose the choice so that the room remains stylish and not oversaturated with all kinds of drawings and patterns.
The main thing to remember is that against the background of wallpaper with a noticeable large pattern, curtains with bright ornaments are inappropriate. But if on the walls you have a very small and barely noticeable pattern, then it is quite possible to use non-uniform curtains.In general, curtains with large bright patterns are also appropriate in a fairly large room, or at least in a room made in light shades: white, sand, peach, light tones of blue, green, pink, etc.
As an exception, you can use large drawing on the curtains in those roomswhere the same pattern is used as part of wall decoration or similar accents are placed in other elements of the room. For example, one of the walls is framed by some large floral ornament, then the curtains can be done in exactly the same style: it can be Roman curtains or drapes that will be combined with plain curtains.
Drawing on the curtains - a great option for those rooms that are decorated in two colors. For example, if milky wallpaper is used, and one of the walls is highlighted in coffee color, then both of these colors can be combined in the curtains as a pattern.
Strip - also a fairly demanding element. Striped curtains are very difficult to fit into a room with dark wallpaper or where many other patterns are already used. But the horizontal strip will help you to slightly increase the space of the room, and the vertical one will visually raise the height of the ceilings.
If you want to use sparkles on curtains that will imitate metal, then this decor should have support among other elements in the room.
Geometric Curtains better combined with plain wallpaper. Of course, it is quite possible to use wallpaper with a geometric ornament, and not necessarily with exactly the same as on the curtains, but when combining these patterns you need to be very careful not to turn the room into tasteless.
Style selection
Each individual style of interior implies its own requirements for the design of the premises, incl. walls, on which the choice of curtains depends. So, let's look at the perfect combination of wallpaper and curtains in different styles of interior.
Calm, discreet interiors suggest the use of plain wallpaper and the same curtains. IN romantic style multi-layer constructions consisting of a curtain, a lambrequin and sometimes curtains fit in more.
High tech It is inconceivable without the shine of metal and a monochrome interior, so roll curtains of restrained colors: black, white, brown, gray will fit here most of all. Modern also tends to monochrome combinations, so black and white curtains will be appropriate in most cases. Minimalism, japanese style They prefer to use natural fabrics and colors, therefore, curtains of neutral natural shades, mainly monophonic, perfectly fit here.
And here is the style Art Deco involves the use of bright colors, contrasting combinations. That is why you can safely pick up bright curtains that differ in color from wallpaper. Luxurious rich interiors must be complemented by the same curtains, which can be supplemented with metallized threads, gold embroidery, etc.
Texture selection
When color, pattern and style are chosen, it is time to choose the texture and density of the fabric. In this question, you also need to build on the selected wallpaper: the denser the wallpaper selected, the denser the curtain fabric should be.
For heavy vinyl, textile wallpapers, the same massive and heavy curtains are well suited: dense curtains and lambrequins. If thin paper wallpapers are used, then you can safely use translucent curtains, numerous light delicate draperies, assemblies, etc. - all in order to make the room light and airy. This is more a recommendation than a rule, but in this way you can make the interior more harmonious, although there are a lot of exceptions in which the room will look no less stylish.
Type of premises
Although the general principles for selecting curtains for wallpaper remain the same, there are certain nuances for each room:
- in the living room the easiest option is use curtains several tones different from the color of the walls.But if this option seems too banal, then you can decorate the room with curtains of neutral shades, bright patterns, etc. Well, if some textiles in the living room will repeat the pattern of curtains;
- on the the kitchen if wallpaper is used, it is as light and neutral as possible. Bright curtains with a thematic pattern, patterns perfectly fit into such an atmosphere. It looks good here cell, strip, polka dots, floral ornament, etc., but be careful with dark shades;
in the bedroom it is better to use traditional calm combinations of one key, and even if you play in contrast, it should be calm muted colors. For example, golden shades with turquoise, pastel with brown will look good;
- children's room requires bright but blackout curtains. The characters of children's fairy tales and cartoons can be depicted on them, if the walls are made in calm colors, but if there are already drawings on the wallpaper, then the curtains must be chosen neutral.
Choose curtains for wallpaper - not the easiest task, but it can be dealt with quite easily, if you follow simple rules. You can go the easiest way and choose light curtains - a classic that fits into any interior, or you can give free rein to your imagination and try yourself as a designer to make something bright, unusual and memorable from the room.