7 tips to get rid of wasps on the site
|Wasps in a summer cottage or garden plot are quite common and understandable. If we are talking about several individuals, flown to the sweet aroma of flowers or fruits, then there is nothing to worry about. But if the wasps chose your territory as their habitat and built a nest for themselves under the roof of a country house, in a barn, in a hollow of an old tree or even in the ground, you should get rid of such a neighborhood as quickly as possible. In addition to the fact that you, your children and pets can suffer from bites, wasps are carriers of various infections. About, how to safely and effectively get rid of wasps in the area, read in our review of all possible ways.
The benefits of wasps
At the height of the season, namely in August, when the crop of plums, pears, apples and other fragrant fruits ripen, many summer residents complain of the invasion of a large number of wasps, which spoil the crop and begin an active fight against insects. However, before destroying wasps, it is worthwhile to learn about what benefits they bring and from which more annoying pests they protect. In Russia, in various regions, most often The following types of wasps are found:
- Typhia - Help get rid of rhinoceros beetles, bronzes and June gherkins. Those very thick and large white worms that appear in large quantities in the soil after applying humus or manure as fertilizer in it are an ideal source of protein for wasps. Having found the larva in the soil, they sting it, paralyze it and lay the egg, sticking it to the body of the larva. After the wasp larva spawns, it will feed on the body of the beetle. Thus, their quantity is reduced;
- Wasps choli are one of the largest. In rare cases, their pancake can reach 6 cm. But, despite their size, they have a very calm and peaceful disposition. The wasp will not sting, even if you take it in your hand. They use a sting for extraction of food - larvae of bronzoviks, gherkins, rhinoceros beetles;
- Paper wasps - they are the most aggressive and dangerous, but at the same time they choose the larvae of any insects as food for their offspring;
- Wall wasp feed on the larvae of leaf beetles, grinders, elephant beetles, caterpillars of moths and leafworms, weevils;
- Germanic wasps prefer larvae of caterpillars, butterflies, flies, sawflies as food;
- Digging wasps effectively destroy the bear;
- Sand wasps and wasps ammophiles as food and environment for the development of their larvae, winter crawler caterpillars are selected.
Graceful insects really bring considerable benefits, but if their nest is located inside the living room, and the wasps themselves are aggressive towards humans, they must be disposed of.
Safety precautions
Before proceeding with the expulsion of wasps from the site, especially if the activities include the destruction of the aspen nest, it is necessary to observe security measures. Even one bite can cause a severe allergic reaction, the presence of which a person may not even suspect. While several bites can even provoke anaphylactic shock.
- Be sure to buy an antihistamine and alcohol to treat the bite site if necessary;
- If you have a familiar beekeeper, ask him for a special protective suit. If one is not available, be sure to wear clothing with long sleeves and trouser-legs made of thick fabric.It is desirable that the jacket was with a hood to protect the head. It is advisable to fill trousers in socks, and the sleeves in leather or thick fabric gloves so that the wasp could not fly under the clothes;
- The person must be protected with a mosquito net;
- If you use special aerosols or poisons, make sure your pets are not exposed to them. If you use any other means, protect the animals. An enraged hornet of swarm will zealously defend its nest and can sting anyone who it meets in its path.
Wasp traps
If wasps appeared on your site, for example, from a neighbor, that is, ways to reduce their number - the use of homemade traps. Everyone knows that wasps are very fond of sweets, slightly rotten fruits and raw meat. One of these products can be used as a bait for a homemade trap. It is worth noting that this one of the most simple and safe ways struggle.
- For the manufacture of traps suitable ordinary plastic bottle. Its neck is cut off by about 1/3 of the total length of the bottle;
- In the remaining cylindrical part, two holes are made at the upper edge and the rope is tied. This is necessary in order to be able to hang the trap on a tree, under a canopy or in another place inaccessible to children and animals. It is best to choose inaccessible places;
- The bait is placed in the bottle. Old jam, regular sugar, which mixes with beer and forms an attractive odor for fermentation, is suitable. You can also use old honey, diluted with water, sugar syrup, rotted fruit, spoiled raw meat;
- Now you should close the trap with the cut part of the bottle, placing it with its neck down. The amount of bait in the tank should be such that the neck does not reach it a few centimeters. Wasps easily penetrate through the neck inward, and it will be difficult for them to get out.
Inconvenience of this method lies in the fact that the sunken wasps will still have to be destroyed somehow, because for some time they will be alive. Therefore, experienced summer residents are advised to bait add and poison. It is enough to add one ampoule of means to combat the Colorado potato beetle. Then the insects will die by themselves, and those who manage to get out will bring poison to the nest, which will lead to the death of the remaining individuals.
To simplify the task You can put the bait simply on a flat plate. By the way, it is very convenient to use watermelon or melon peels, which can be spread out in several corners of the site and treated with odorless poison, for example, Intavir.
On sale there are a large number of ready-made lures for wasps. They are small containers filled with flavored liquid, in the walls of which there are small holes. The principle of operation for them is such a de as for self-made ones.
If the wasps live directly on your site, then it is necessary to take more radical measures, namely, to destroy their nest.
How to find a hornet’s nest?
It is not always possible to find a nest right away. Wasps choose inaccessible places for its construction, which are hidden from human eyes. It can be:
- Utility rooms - sheds, toilets, attics. In such rooms, as a rule, nests are located under the ceiling;
- Niches under the roof;
- Gaps in wooden walls or places where the main finish moves away from the plane of the wall;
- Dense thickets of shrubs, raspberries, hedges;
- Hollow old trees.
If no suitable place was found, wasps can build a nest in the ground. In this case, it will represent a hole, the depth and duration of which can reach impressive dimensions.
If there is no time to search and explore all of the above places, you can track the wasps which will lead you to the nest. To do this, in the place of a special accumulation of insects you need to put a treat. A piece of raw meat or fish is best.
When the wasps flock to the bait, watch. After a short period of time, you will notice that the wasps fly away, then come back again. They fly to the nest and carry food for the queen there. Now it remains to track their route, and then destroy the nest.
Methods and rules for the destruction of the nest
It is important not only to choose the appropriate method, but also the time of day and even the year. Safest cutting down nest early in spring or late in the fall when it is empty so that the wasps do not return to it the next year. If the struggle takes place in the summer and there is no strength to wait until the fall, then you need to go hunting at night, when the whole swarm is in the nest, but is sleeping at the same time. In this case, the chances of eliminating the nest without numerous bites are much higher. Cutting off the nest during the day, you run the risk of being bitten by wasps who, having returned to their house in the evening, simply will not find it. These insects very zealously protect their home and, under the threat of its destruction, become very dangerous. Now for destruction methods:
- Drowning nest. Many recommend bringing a full bucket to the nest, or another container of suitable size, with water to the nest, and quickly immerse the nest in a vessel. For the wasps to die, a full bucket will have to hold for several minutes. Other gardeners talk about the experience based on pouring boiling water over the nest. This is not to say that these methods are ineffective. But you should consider the location of the nest. If it is under a roof, which can only be reached with a stepladder, then standing on it with a full bucket on outstretched arms or pouring boiling water from a kettle in this position is a very dubious occupation;
- Spray with gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel or Wedeshkoy. Many share that they successfully poisoned the bees by spraying the nest with one of the listed means. This method should be used with caution if the building is wooden, as the substances are fire hazardous. And the very process of thoroughly spraying the nest, which can be done only from a fairly close distance, is not entirely safe;
- We are stupefying with means - dichlorvos, bleach, domestos. The essence of the method is to treat the nest with one of the selected means, and then put a thick plastic bag on it to enhance the pungent odor. Or vice versa - first put on the bag, and pour the product into it. This method is quite dangerous, since it is very difficult to completely seal the package around the base of the nest, it is necessary to act very quickly, and wasps, especially furious ones, can climb through the slightest hole and bite you. If you still decide to process the nest with dichlorvos, then be sure to take just the traditional dichlorvos, and not its various modern varieties. According to summer residents, modern tools are less effective;
- We burn the nest. One of the fastest and most effective ways to get rid of is to set fire to the nest. It will burn very well, as it is made of a material that resembles recycled paper, or rather of wood bark chewed by wasps. The nest is doused with any flammable liquid and set on fire. But there is one thing, this method cannot be used if the nest is located in the hollow of an old dry tree, under a wooden roof or on a wooden wall;
- If nest located in the ground. In this case, you can either burn or flood. In the first case, you need to pour gasoline into the hole and set fire. In the second - fill with water. If you decide to heat, then use to supply water garden hose. You do not know what size the nest is, so a limited capacity such as a bucket or pan may not be enough, and running behind a new portion of water during the operation is dangerous. It is necessary to carefully place the garden hose in the hole, pre-cutting a small circle of cardboard with a hole in the center and putting it on the hose. After that, the cardboard is firmly pressed to the soil, crushed by stones or covered with earth, which also needs to be prepared in advance.Only making sure that the passage is closed tightly, you can open the water. Pouring is necessary until water begins to flow out through the top of the hole. This method may be ineffective if the soil in your area absorbs water very quickly. Insects simply do not have time to drown, or will not be destroyed in full force. The remaining individuals will easily make new moves. Therefore, after the water goes back, you need to wait a couple of minutes and only then turn off the water supply.
Remember that all such events must be carried out at night, which means you need a light source. A big mistake will be to go to the nest with a flashlight, especially with a headlamp. Bright direct light can wake the wasps and cause them aggression. Therefore, it is better to use a uniform, slightly distant light source.
If the slot is unavailable
The most difficult thing is to destroy the nest, which is located in a place where you can not get it, for example, under the skin of a house, in a crack in a wall or floor, in the voids between the roof. Even the use of insecticides in this case will be ineffective, since to destroy the nest you need to apply the composition directly to the surface of the nest. Specialized services will also not help you, of course, if you do not agree to break down a wall or a roof. In this case, you need methodically leave delicious wasps bait generously poisoned against the Colorado potato beetle.
They will eat it and carry pieces of food in the nest, thereby poisoning their relatives. Some also use boric acid, but its effectiveness is less high. In this way, you will be able to reduce the population. And at the end of the season - later in the fall, you need close up carefully all cracks and places that can serve as a move for wasps. After all, they will certainly settle in the nest not destroyed next year. We do not recommend the use of mounting foam - wasps easily make holes in it.
Insecticide Overview
The above-mentioned "folk" methods are very extreme and do not always bring the desired result. Therefore, an increasing number of gardeners prefer to use ready-made poisons - insecticides. Consider the most effective of them:
- Karbofos - a drug based on an insecticide used for cockroach extermination and the Colorado potato beetle, but adapted for insects and larvae. This is an inexpensive, but very effective poison that must be diluted with water. It can be sold both in an already diluted form and in granules for the preparation of an independent solution;
- Get, Agran, Ksulat, Dobrohim Micro, Dursban, Fosban, Tzipi Lux, Sinuzan - All of these insecticides are based on chlorpyrifos. This compound has a contact action and can also be used to combat hornets. It is necessary to prepare the solution strictly according to the proportions indicated on the package;
- Executioner - An affordable and effective tool that is often used to destroy harmful insects and has an extensive spectrum of action;
- Combat Raptor, Raid - common tools that are designed specifically to destroy the nest, and not individual individuals.
Apply insecticides correctly:
- Prepare a dense plastic bag in advance in such a size that it fits the nest easily;
- Also prepare a rope if the nest is located in such a way that the throat of the worn bag can be pulled over it. Or scotch tape - if the nest is adjacent to the ceiling or wall;
- 200-300 ml of the selected preparation is poured into the bag, the nest is placed neatly in it, the top of the bag is fixed in such a way as to create the most airtight environment;
- You can remove the package after 2-3 days. It is preliminary recommended to check whether its inhabitants are alive - gently, so as not to tear, stir the packet with a stick. If there is silence and no buzzing is heard, you can shoot.
Advantage of using insecticides is not only their high efficiency, but also the fact that the drugs prevent the reappearance of wasps on the site in the next year. Some drugs have a validity period of 3 years, which is very convenient. Be sure to use eye protection and respiratory protection.