5 tips on how to use a fake window in the interior + photo
Remember how before everything was simple and monotonous? If we were talking about the design of the walls, then there was one single solution - wallpaper. If the ceiling - then whitewash, and if the floors - then linoleum well, or maximum parquet board. Whether business now! What modern methods do not come up with in order to make the interior more original and add space to the room. One of such successful solutions is a false window in the interior. In order to apply this element most successfully and correctly, it is necessary to know and take into account many nuances, which we will talk about.
1. What is a false window, and when is it appropriate to use it?
Fake window - This is a false design that simulates a real window opening, which should look as natural as possible. It can be a simple or more complex configuration. home his task - make a room visually more and give it a feeling of spaciousness. Very often, such elements are executed with recessed diode tape or lamps which allows you to fill the room with extra light. There are a number of standard situations in which the creation of such an element of the interior in a problem place becomes a real salvation. For instance:
- Deaf premise without of real window openings. Yes, with a standard layout it’s hard to imagine, but when it comes to basement rooms or about attic floors private home, then this may well be. Yes, and when redevelopment, if one room too long and large, and you decide to make two smaller ones out of it, one of them will necessarily remain without a real window. Agree, then there is only one way out - a false window.
- Bad layout in which on one wall two windows are located very close to each other. Unfortunately, this is quite common. And this is narrow the space between two neighboring window frames It looks just ridiculous. Not a picture to hang there, nor a shelf to beat. Many find a way out. curtainsThat also looks very appropriate. But if you also want to expand the space, then a good solution would be to equip the mirror false window in this place.
- Dark corners or spaces where the natural light fails or does not fall at all. Such places are often used for arranging a small work area or a small home library. Instead of banal table or wall lamps, it will be much more interesting to look fake window from backlit. Thus, you will visually increase such a place and fill it with light. And the overall interior, in turn, will change for the better.
- The problem of lack of space often becomes acute when planning. Apartments in our housing stock often do not allow us to create the desired effect of freedom and space. Small kitchens, small bathtubs and children's roomsnarrow and long corridors sometimes they don’t even allow to fit all the desired furniture. In order not to feel like a resident of a tiny box, leave a place for a false window on one of the walls. In such a situation, a photo-decorated or virtual window is well suited.
- Mask the consequences unsuccessful repair that may occur when trying align very curved walls. In brick houses, masonry is very often done unevenly with tangible protrusions or depressions. If you try to withstand one plane, then because of the large hillocks, you need to take a lot of treasured centimeters of space. It is better to hide the obvious unevenness under the surface of the imaginary window. By the way, under it you can hide and some communications or a place of large network wiring.
Of course, such a prem can be used simply in as a decor, to give the interior a highlight, and once again emphasize its characteristic features and style. Main plus Using imaginary windows is that you yourself can choose the image that will be behind it. It can be a dense coniferous forest, and a foggy street, and the sea coast, and just a view of the beautiful night city with multi-colored lights. You can show your imagination at 100% - the main thing is to choose an image that will harmoniously fit into the overall room interior. For marine style Of course, seascapes are suitable, for the interior in style provence - endless lavender fields. For industrial Styles - View of skyscrapers, cars or the night city. Pictures depicting nature will be appropriate in the interior of any style. The main thing, so that the image is three-dimensional, that is, it has a perspective. Not just a view of the forest, but a small path extending inland. Such images look more vibrant.
2. Varieties and design tips
Depending on your preferences and financial capabilities, you can choose the most suitable for you. view of the false window. Fortunately, there are quite a few of them:
- Drawn the window is one of the most simple options. It will be especially nice to equip such an element to people who have artistic abilities. For those who do not want to spend their time and energy on this, there are services of professional artists who will fulfill your order in a short time. Painted windows look pretty realistic and beautiful. They are performed on even flat surfaces, limiting the frame. It can be a glued frame of their polyurethane baguettes or real window frame, which remained after replacing the old windows. the main thing in this case - right mark up, choose the appropriate height and size of the future window. The frame is attached after applying the drawing and its complete drying.
- Services literate artist sometimes are standing considerable of money. So that the creation of a fake window does not affect your financial expenses, you can use it as a background use photo wallpaper. There are a lot of varieties of different quality and size. You yourself can choose the desired image from the database of ready-made backgrounds and set the desired size. Such constructions look very unusual and spectacular in niches. The main advantage such placement It is possible to equip them with illumination, after which it is necessary to protect the drawing with unbreakable glass. The backlight will help simulate sunlight, so you can achieve the greatest realism.
- Mirror window incredibly capable enlarge the room and achieve its correct geometry. Previously, they simply used large mirrors or mirror panels for this, but now many decorate their surface with thin frames at the edges and make separations with polyurethane or wooden stripes into small sectors. This window can close the surface wall mounted cabinet which has a shallow depth, for example, in the bathroom.
- FROM backlit. This is the most realistic, but at the same time, uncomplicated option. As the background For such an element, both a real drawing and photo wallpaper can be used. In the latter case, the lighting device can be located both at the edges and behind the image. The only thing condition, which must be provided for such a design is a niche in the wall or frame. If you decide to use a niche, then you can stick the LED strip on the side walls or simply place it on the wall so that it is hidden by the pattern. In order to make it invisible later, the drawing must be placed in the frame, or glued to the glass, which will cover its surface. With this arrangement of elements, your window will not protrude beyond the plane of the wall. If you want to make it more visible, but you can use wireframe which will be slightly pushed forward. Suitable metal profile for drywall. A square is made of this material. Within its limits, a backlight is mounted on the wall, and glass with a pattern is mounted on top of the special supporting elements. The edges are hidden under a beautiful frame. You can use ordinary wooden planks. It is not always necessary to apply an image. Very unusual look windows with opaque frosted glass from which light comes out. They do not carry any semantic load and do not need a stylistic reference, but they give an unusual additional light source. Many designers recommend using fluorescent lamps. They are more pleasant for sight and do not tire.
- LED window It is the most costly and unusual option. It can be of any size, at least for the entire length of the wall, if finances allow. It is thin LCD screen which connects to a special module with software, and that, in turn, connects to a computer or laptop. An image, a series of shots, or a video clip that will broadcast the screen are loaded into his memory. Explicit him advantage is backlight and feature play sounds. You can endlessly enjoy the view of the flowing river and hear its murmur, accompanied by the singing of birds. Just imagine what an unreal atmosphere will reign in your home! Another advantage of this solution is the ability image change which can get bored over time. Thus, you can change the mood of the room. In general, this is really something unimaginable and so far unusual for many. Such an element absolutely does not need additional design; it is itself a self-contained work of art.
- Ceiling window - one of the most favorite techniques that are used for visual increase the height of the room. Best background for him there will be a mural showing the sky with the tops of trees or the night sky with a scattering of constellations. For such elements, it is desirable use backlight then a feeling of spaciousness and open sky above your head will be created. You can do without backlighting, but then the image itself is better to choose light, filled with sunlight. As a fringing, light ceiling moldings or corners made of polyurethane are perfect. Very cool, these elements complement the gentle arches of the attic rooms, where the ceiling creates a oppressive and oppressive sensation. They are not inferior to anything window of matte plain glass.
In addition to choosing the right size, shape and suitable image, you can give even more credibility to the false window with unusual design. Especially when you consider that the materials for this will require the most common. Besides decoration frame many attach a real element over a false element cornice small lengths, they hang tulle and beautiful curtains on its sides. Nailed a small wooden windowsill and even put pots of indoor plants on it. Believe me, 90% of people who will be guests of your house will never guess that this is not a real window opening. The remaining 10% who are doubting, apparently often have been with you before. All of the above is suitable for finishing any kind of windows, except for LED and mirror. Not recommended to hang the mirror surface with curtains, otherwise it will not be able to fulfill its main function - to reflect objects, thereby increasing the space.
3. Features of application in various rooms
Another charm of this unusual element of the interior is that it pertinent absolutely in any room.
- IN the kitchen the area of which is often about 6-8 m2, and the real window of which is often double-leafed, create a feeling incredible open space help the ceiling false window. Yes, and the wall, beautifully designed curtains, jalousie or roller blinds, the same as on the real window, will make the room much more spacious. In front of such a window you can position zone for eating or make a continuation of the working area under it. As in the beautiful interiors of country houses, where in front of the window is located sink or hob. Cooking and spending time at dinner in such a room will immediately become much more pleasant.
- Living room is an most successful room for the location of the false window. It is in this room that guests always gather, all the holidays and is necessary how can more free places. Here you can equip a window on the entire wall, decorate it with beautiful curtains made of expensive fabric and place indoor plants in high pots on the floor in front of it big table with chairs. Imagine how the room visually enlarges, the window of which will show a beautiful landscape in the open. And in what delight and high spirits all those invited will be!
- IN the bedroom it is necessary to arrange windows with calmer ones, appealing images which will relax and tune in to rest. For example, unobtrusive landscapes without stormy waterfalls and stone slopes. The best pictures are those that depict a sea sunset, or an early morning dawn. Do not have a window near headboardit’s better to equip it on the wall opposite so you can admire it before going to bed. Ceiling windows with the image of the starry sky will make the room more comfortable and romantic.
- IN kids room you can use the marine image, which, as it were, is viewed through the hold, or planets that are visible through the porthole. Children will be delighted. You can also select an image. favorite cartoon characters who are visiting your child. In any case, children perceive everything quite differently than adults, for them it will be a revived fairy tale. The ceiling window with the image of planets and constellations will be interesting to the young astronomer.
- IN the bathroom the false window looks very unusual and original. Here, both a mirror and a landscape window will be appropriate. It is not recommended to place this element directly above the bathtub, even if you protect the image with unbreakable glass, steam and condensation will collect on its surface. An exception is an image drawn by waterproof acrylic paintwhich is able to withstand constant contact with water. Mirror window even a small size will enlarge a small room, and a ceiling made of opaque glass with backlight will fill the room with a pleasant, soft light.
- IN hallway An ideal option would be to use a mirror surface. This is due to the geometry of this room, which simply needs additional expansion. Such a window can to decorate small windowsill which will serve as a place to store keys and other small items. And if you screw small hooks, you can hang umbrellas or small bags. Such a design element will make this boring room not so ordinary and will perfectly cope with the task of designing a small empty area.And if you place a mirrored imaginary window opposite the entrance to the hallway, its interior items will be reflected in it and the corridor will become a little wider and more spacious.
4. How much does a fake window cost?
This item is probably most interesting to many readers. Let's see how much may cost such a pleasure.
- Naturally, the most affordable option is a window whose background is filled photo wallpaper. You will have to spend money on a frame for it and on the image itself. Average cost per square meter a decent quality photo canvas with an image selected from ready-made options - about $ 8, images applied to your order will cost a little more.
- Following at cost - mirror window. Square meter sheet mirrors 4 mm thick is from $ 8-9, a mirror with sprayed under silver or bronze - from $ 10. The sheets on which it is applied picture about 16 $ / m2, and mirror plexiglass may have a value of $ 30. Add here the cost of the frame or wooden planks, fasteners that will support the weight of the structure, and get the final cost.
- Window, drawn professional an artist oil, can cost about $ 120 or more. The limit depends on the skill level of the artist and his fame. Plus, the design of this picture is similar to a real window.
- Penultimate place takes ceiling window. Its high cost is due to the features of its arrangement. Now we are not talking about a sheet of photo wallpaper glued to the ceiling. We mean full ceiling niche with backlighting, realistic image and beautiful design, which forms a single plane with the main surface of the ceiling. To make such a design, you must first build a drywall box of the appropriate size. Fix the lighting fixtures in it, then stick the image to the plexiglass and fix it on the walls of the box. Now you need to do a single level. You can further sew up the entire ceiling with drywall, but you can use stretch ceiling. It is better to entrust such difficult work to professionals, for which you also have to pay. Cost per square meter Stretch ceiling starts at $ 10. Depends on the quality of the film and the geographical location. Do not forget to add the cost of drywall, profiles, lights, images and glass. We conclude that this is not entirely cheap, but very impressive.
- The most expensive of course, virtual window. There are many options for ready-made designs, the thickness of which is only 25-30 mm, but many companies are ready to accept an order for manufacturing according to individual order. IN cost finished product is included frame, mainly wooden, diffuser plate, LEDs, polystyrene back cover, remote control and power supply for LEDs. Unfortunately, on the site of one of the Moscow firms involved in the production of such a miracle, we did not manage to find a specific price. It is indicated that the final cost of the goods is calculated depending on the shape and size. One can only guess, given the elements that include cost.
Some firms offer many options already prefabricated false windows with a fixed price. We managed to find a window 100 × 120 cm in size with a wooden frame and an image of a field with sunflowers against a blue sky for 40,000 rubles. There are other examples of windows with exact prices:
5. Do it yourself
Many people do not trust the work of interior decoration of their apartment to outsiders and prefer everything do it yourself. This has a positive effect on the cost of the final result. Despite the intricacy of the design, to make a false window with your own hands is quite possible. Consider several manufacturing options:
- Fake window from photo wallpaper is the easiest to manufacture. We will make a flat window in a wooden frame, covered with plexiglass.The beginning of any work should be carried out with marking. If an entire wall is assigned to the location of this element, it is better to place it in the center. Playing form, you can visually expand the room and raise the ceiling. For these purposes, a square, high opening is suitable. A narrow and long window will divide the wall into two parts, which will negatively affect the appearance of the room with low ceilings. Marking should be done with level and plumb to achieve perfect straightness. Now you need to stick a sheet of photo wallpaper on the marked area, strictly observing its contours. Make sure the surface is well smoothed and glue does not get on the image. After the fabric has completely dried, we will take up its design. For the frame, we chose wooden planks of small width. It is necessary to saw off from them four strips of the required size and make a bevel at the junction with each other at 45 °. You can attach and easier - at first two side, and the upper and lower will lie on top, but the first option is more aesthetic. The frame can be glued with glue "liquid Nails"so you will not see the hats screws. Now need protect image plexiglass or plastic. In the case of using the latter material, it is better to remove the protective film before completing all work. Insert a sheet of plastic into the frame and secure with window glazing beads. If you do not want to preserve the natural color of the tree, then all Painting works do before installation and after the planks have completely dried.
To emphasize the natural texture, open the elements with a transparent or tinted varnish. Small partitions which will give the window a greater resemblance to the present, it is necessary to glue it on the plastic with the same glue. As a frame, you can use polyurethane baguettes, which will fit into any interior. In the same way drawn window and mirror image. In the latter case, it is necessary to choose strong mounts that can withstand the weight of the canvas, and it is better to fix the bottom of the mirror with a metal thin profile.
- Ceiling window - This is the most popular type of decor, loved by many designers. To do it yourself is also possible for many. there is three options placing the window on the stream. First occurs most rarely - when the ceiling is even and for its aesthetic appearance it only needs to be painted. On such a ceiling, equipping a window is as simple as on a wall. To do this, follow the instructions above. The next option is to mount the window on plasterboard ceiling. This is the most common option. In this case, for him, you can make a small niche to drown the entire structure in it. In addition, on the side walls of the niche, you can place a backlight. Another option placing backlight - right on the ceiling. In this case, it is necessary to close it with a pattern pasted on plastic. Consider connecting the cable to the light fixture in advance. To do this, it is enough to make small holes in the side wall of the box. As you may have guessed, the box is mounted from metal profiles. So, sequence: installation of the box, fixing the backlight, wiring, fixing the image. Small metal corners stuffed around the perimeter of the box will help keep the plastic in the frame. After that, it is necessary to sew the rest of the ceiling to the level with the window with drywall.
Third option - drywall + suspended ceiling. In this case, the same thing is done, only the rest is covered with PVC film. At this stage, you will need the help of specialists.
As you can see, there is nothing supernatural in such work. It’s enough to show a little patience, clearly present desired end result, and in case of difficulty, find a couple of instructional videos on the Internet. Do not forget to beautifully design your work and enjoy the unusual element of the interior. Particularly responsible approach to the choice of image.After all, you have to look at him for a long time.