What foundation to choose for the garage and what tips can help with this? We tried to collect in one article the most important and necessary information about different types of foundations. Read more

What foundation to choose for the garage and what tips can help with this? We tried to collect in one article the most important and necessary information about different types of foundations. Read more
A few simple and useful tips for choosing a base tide. How to save money and not spoil the material, little secrets and some subtleties of installation. Read more
Water sharpens a stone. It destroys foundations, roofs and ceilings. Special waterproofing materials help protect. Roll coatings are being replaced by new ones - sprayed and seamless. We understand what constitutes Read more
In private construction, the strip foundation is increasingly being replaced by piling, which is distinguished by better load-bearing capacity, versatility and a higher speed of construction. Let's try to figure out how to choose piles for private construction, Read more
The pile foundation is considered the most versatile, strong and fast in execution. Piles can be immersed in the soil in various ways - it all depends on the type of soil, the features of the building, the type of facility being built, Read more
The construction of a private house does not even begin with laying the foundation, but with choosing its type. It is necessary to take into account a lot of factors, weigh the features of all types of foundation, carry out the calculation and only then Read more
The foundation and the base account for up to 20% of the heat loss at home, and since heat is money, it would be nice to make sure that the heat does not go anywhere from home Read more
The key to the strength and reliability of the building is its foundation, for the use of which fittings are used. But the steel rods still need to be properly connected to get a solid, solid structure. That's why so Read more
The modern market of waterproofing materials is rich in various types of mortars, mastics and bitumen mixtures for effective protection against penetration of moisture into the foundation, walls and floor of the home. To better understand Read more
Do-it-yourself waterproofing is not difficult if you use the recommendations for the work and know what building materials will be required for this. The simplest waterproofing methods will make it possible to protect the foundation Read more